Introducing the perfect Dry Herb Vaporizer for beginners and budget-conscious consumers. Everything Arizer is known for in a slimmed down economical package: Quality & Performance, Smooth & Tasty Vapor. Advanced rapid heating ceramic technology, 5 preset temperatures, micro-USB charging, plus a convenient Use While Charging feature. Available in Reefer White and translucent Blue Haze.
For Dry Herbs & Aromatherapy
Easy to Use & Easy to Clean
Advanced Rapid-Heating Ceramic Technology
5 Preset Temperatures
Up to 80 minutes of use per charge
High Capacity, Rechargeable, interchangeable Batteries
Micro USB Charging
Use While Charging for non-stop action
Pre-load doses & PVC Travel Tubes
Isolated Air and All-Glass Vapor Path
High Quality Parts & Accessories